Sandwood Primary School
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The school aims to provide equal opportunities for all children in the school, irrespective of sex, race or religion, to take part fully in all aspects of school life.


The school has a duty to ensure that all our pupils have equal access to the  curriculum, supported as appropriate to their individual needs.  This covers not only the content of lessons and teaching strategies but also minor adaptations to the physical or sensory impairments, including the relocation of classes to the ground floor where feasible,  We also strive to ensure that parents who have a disability have equal access to information about their children.  This could  involve, for example, relocating the venue for parents meetings to facilitate physical access at parents’ evenings or individual interviews;  provisions of an interpreter for the deaf; or agreeing a telephone contact system to provide direct feedback to parents.


The Education Authority requires every school to produce its own Race Equality Policy to comply with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.  A copy of the Policy is held in the school office.