Sandwood Primary School
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Eco and Fairtrade School

Eco Schools is an international initiative designed to encourage whole school action for the environment.  It is an environmental management tool, learning resource and recognised award scheme.

We were awarded our first green flag on 28 April 2009 , our second green flag in September 2011 and our third on 30 October 2013 and our 4th in  November 2016

Our work on ECO contributes greatly to our work on Learning for Sustainability.

We are a Fairtrade School.  We achieved fair achiever award in  2016 and we are  continuing to develop our work in Global Citizenship through our work on Fairtrade. We hold a variety of Fairtrade initiatives and events throughout the school year to raise awareness throughout our school  community.  Fairtrade is embedded through learning for sustainability in many aspects of teaching and learning.