Sandwood Primary School
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The aim of the school is to work in partnership with parents.  Sandwood parents are involved in educational events and visits, social and fund raising events, and are most welcome to join in the life of the school.  We are happy to discuss any concerns you may have throughout the year.

Regular newsletters posted on our school app to keep parents informed of events and activities in the school.  During the school session there are many varied activities and meetings to which parents are most welcome:

Curriculum / Meet The Teacher talks in Term 1 

Displays of knowledge where parents are invited to throughout the school year

Pre-entrant programme                                                                                                                  

End of year concert/prizegiving                                                                                                        

Parent workshops on various matters                                                                                             

Discos / Dances                                                                                                                       

Open nights

Poetry Competition

Family Learning Cafe

Family Movie Evenings

Scottish Evenings

Families Connect

The school uses twitter and a school app to improve  communication and engagement with  parents. The school also has

website that families can access for information—