Sandwood Primary School
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Sandwood Primary School



Dear Parent/ Carer,                                                                                                      


Following parents meetings last term there were many parents who mentioned their child/ren did not have any homework.


Homework is given out weekly to all pupils in Sandwood Primary School. We are going to monitor homework this term.  If your child is not bringing homework home please contact the school and let us know.


All our P1-3 pupils have a homework folder. Please could you help us by putting their books in this folder as it helps keep them in good condition. Please check these daily for letters and additional information.


We will be purchasing homework folders for our P4-7 pupils, these will be different to the infant classes. This will help to ensure that homework reaches home and will also keep textbooks and reading books in good condition.


The homework folders will also be used for any letters issued by the school to help keep good communication links with home.


As always we thank you in advance for your support.


Kind Regards

Fiona Donnelly

Head Teacher    



We are grateful for the co-operation of parents in ensuring that homework is completed and is of an acceptable standard.

Homework usually consists of practice in the basic skills of reading, language or number, reinforcing work previously done in class as follows:

Monday and Wednesday - Maths homework

Tuesday and Thursday - Language and other curricular homework.

Homework may be researching a topic or finding out something using local knowledge using other sources, internet, television or radio.


Listed below are some useful websites that may be helpful in assisting your child.

If you wish further information on attainment levels for your child then please help yourself to information leaflets at the main entrance.